人物:Hip-hop boy, hip-hop mother, sister, cowboy father, Grandpa+grandma
道具: 人物服裝,馬桶刷,菜瓜布,大箱子做成的廁所(像流動的) 奶瓶,耳機 ,木馬
Song: This is the way~~ ( Music&Movement)
A hip-hop boy walks in. (帶一段和台下互動的活動) I say hi, you say yoo~~
song: 東西Love1 Good morning( rock 版)
Boy: It’s time to brush my teeth. (馬桶刷)
A boy walks into the bathroom.
Song: Pretty woman(電影麻雀變鳳凰版)
Mommy walks in. (帶一段和台下互動的活動)
Mother: I say "林總,you say " 很久沒來(台) {整齣劇的高潮笑點)
Mother: It’s time to wash my face. (大的菜瓜布)
Mother opens the door of the bathroom. But she can’t open it.
Mother: Open, open, open sesame.
(互動) Mother: I pull right. I pull left. I pull up and I pull down.
She pulled and pulled. But he could not open the door..
Mother: I want to open the door.
Mother: Yoohoo~~ Come and help.
A sister walks in.
Song: 啦啦隊音樂
Sister: I’m coming. I can help.
Mother: The door is stuck. Let’s open it.
Girl: Ok! I can help. I can help and pull .
Mother+ Girl: Open, open, open sesame.
The girl pulled the mother. The mother pulled the door.
(互動) Sistrr+Mother: I pull right. I pull left. I pull up and I pull down.
The pulled and pulled. But they could not pull it up.
Girl: Yoohoo~~ Come and help.
A cowboy father walks in.
song: 牛仔很忙
Daddy: Hee-Ha! 我雖人是個牛仔,到酒吧只喝牛奶!! I come and help! What's up?
Mother: The door is stuck. Let’s open it.
(互動) Daddy+ Sistrr+Mother: I pull right. I pull left. I pull up and I pull down.
They all fell on the floor.
Grandpa and grandma walk in.
What are you doing?
Mother: @#$$#%$^%^&%^$#$$^%&^&*& we can't open the door
Grandpa: Did you knock the door before you open it?
All: No~~~~~~~~~~
Grandma: Yes, remember to knock the door before you open it?
Mother, sister and Daddy run to knock the door.
the door is opened. The brother walks out and says
" What's going on?"~~~~~~~~~~~~
Song: What's up (張惠妹版)
The turnip 創意版
人物:Hip-hop boy, hip-hop mother, sister, dog, cat, Grandpa+grandma
道具: 人物服裝,馬桶刷,菜瓜布,大箱子做成的廁所(像流動的) 大馬桶,耳機
This is the way~~
A hip-hop boy walks in. (帶一段和台下互動的活動) I say hi, you say yoo~~
Boy: What’s the weather? What’s the weather?
Can you say? Can you say? I can see the sun. Shining above the sky.
It’s sunny today. It’s sunny today.
Boy: It’s time to brush my teeth. (馬桶刷)
A boy walks into the bathroom.
A hip-hop mommy walks in. (帶一段和台下互動的活動) I say yoo, you say hoo~~
Mother: It’s time to wash my face. (大的菜瓜布)
Mother opens the door of the bathroom. But she can’t open it.
Mother: Open, open, open sesame.
(互動) I pull and pull . I pull and pull I still can’t open it.
She pulled and pulled. But he could not open the door..
Mother: I want to open the door.
Mother: Yoohoo~~ Come and help.
A hip-hop sister walks in. (帶一段和台下互動的活動) I say hoo, you say cool~~
(Song: Have you ever see a Lassie>>>>>>>>>>>二選一)
Sister: I’m coming. I can help.
The girl pulled the mother. The mother pulled the door.
Mother: The door is stuck. Let’s open it.
Girl: Ok! I can help. I can help and pull .
Mother+ Girl: Open, open, open sesame.
(互動) I pull and pull . I pull and pull I still can’t open it.
The pulled and pulled. But they could not pull it up.
Girl: Yoohoo~~ Little dog, come and help.
Girl: I want to open the door.
Girl: Yoohoo~~ Come and help.
A dog walks in.
Dog: Woof! Woof! I’m coming. I can help.
The dog pulled the girl. The girl pulled the mother. The mother pulled the door.
Girl: The door is stuck. Let’s open it.
Dog: Ok! I can help. I can help and pull .
Mother+ Girl+Dog: Open, open, open sesame.
(互動) I pull and pull . I pull and pull I still can’t open it.
They pulled and pulled. But they could not open the door..
Dog: Little cat, come and help.
Dog: I want to open the door.
Dog: Yoohoo~~ Come and help.
A Cat walks in.
(Song: Pussy cat)
Cat: I’m coming. I can help.
The cat pulled the dog. The dog pulled the girl. The girl pulled the mother. The mother pulled the door.
Dot : The door is stuck. Let’s open it.
Cat: Ok! I can help. I can help and pull .
Cat+ Dog+Mother+ Girl: Open, open, open sesame.
(互動) I pull and pull . I pull and pull I still can’t open it.
The pulled and pulled. But they could not open the door..
Song: Skip to my Lou.
改成: The door is stuck. What should I do.?
The door is stuck. What should I do.?
The door is stuck. What should I do?
Skip to my Lou. My darling.
We can do it. Try one more time.
We can do it. Try one more time.
We can do it. Try one more time. Skip to my Lou, my daring.
Grandpa and Grandma walk in . 互動
Hey, what are you doing?
All: The door is stuck. We pulled and pulled. But we could not open it.
Gpa+Gma: Ha! Ha! Why don’t you knock the door?
Sister: Yes. My teacher told me” remember to knock the door before opening the door.
Everybody is knocking the door. Suddenly the door crashed
(The boy is listening to music with earphone and sitting on the toilet.)
The boy: Woops! What’s going on.
Ending song: What’s up! (副歌)
- Apr 25 Fri 2008 13:11
The Turnip