麥克米倫英語教師進修課程2009開跑囉!往年受到老師們的廣大迴響,感謝老師們對本公司的支持,為回饋老師您的支持及讓更多的老師能參與這個重要的訓練課程,只要您在6/8前完成報名手續,即可享受NTD880(原價NTD 1,000)的優惠,請將這個好消息與您的好朋友分享,我們期待於六月與您共襄盛舉! 

14:30~14:50: Coffee Break

14:50~16:20       E. Are you a teacher of today? save time and learn more with online technology.
                               (Presenter: Maurice Ku)
14:50~16:20      F. Let's have some fun with GRAMMAR- really!  ( Presenter: Patrick Hafenstein)

 If your friends or you would like to join us for this important training event, you will get a discount before 8th of June. The list price for this event is NTD 1,000. If you register and make the payment before 8th of June, the discount price is NTD 880. Please do inform your friends or any teachers you know who might be interested in joining. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Sandra Wu (Taiwan Manager, Macmillan Education)

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