     在結束Step Up 6時最後一課剛好是故事閱讀,於是將故事分成三部分, 將全部句子分成一句一句待進一步閱讀時可做活動用,且完成此單元時還可要求學生們依自己的意思,將句型條製作成六到八格的漫畫海報

Enya's artwork


Kiki's Artwork

Sue's Artwork


Judy's Artwork

Lilian's Artwork

Cliff's Artwork
要特別謝謝CLIFF'S MOM 因為聽說她"幫忙"很多ㄡ

James's Artwork

Jack's Artwork

Part one

Warm up:

Queen, Prince and Princess 都很熟唯獨 Castle 較不熟,我們將卡片分給班上其中五位小朋友,並以兩隻老虎的調子唱出: He is a King. He is a prince. She is a Queen. She is a princess. Who lives in the castle? Who lives in the castle? 在唱歌的同時學生們也須傳卡片,唱完第二次Who lives in the castle?時老師需喊出四個人物中的一位如KING ,全體學生要說"He is a king." 手拿"King"的學生需起立並在白板上寫下"king".
    先給學生們一些時間讀故事,再讓他們敘述整個故事,雖然他們約略說出"a queen and a prince live in a castle""the weather is raining and cold."" Princess is cold and tried." ......等句子,不過終究是他們自己閱讀的成果,值得鼓勵一番。
   將故事演完一次加上講解一次後,將學生分成ABCD四組,把字條 NO.1-10 為一份分給每組各一份但不要照順序,將CD播放第一段三次後請學生排出故事順序。不論完成與否都請學生停止,將排好的句型條放於地板上不動,請A組和B組學生換位子,C和D互換位子讓學生自行校閱別組的排列順序是否正確,如有認為有錯誤(他們常將對的改成錯的)請他們更正,最後要求每組回到自己的座位,再播一次CD讓他們自己對對看別組認為的順序和自己的差別載哪裡(這時就可聽到很多聲音要上訴〉所以如果時間許可再換組但須和第一次交換對象不同喔。
1. Once upon a time, there was a queen and a prince.
 2. They lived in a castle.
 3. The prince was lonely.
 4. He did not have many friends.
 5. One evening, the weather was bad.  
  6. It was cold and rainy.
 7. The prince heard a soft knock on the door.
8.  He opened it and saw a beautiful girl outside.
 9. “I’m a princess.” Said the girl.
 10. “I’m lost. I’m cold and tired, too. Can you help me?”

    Part two

 老師讀故事時也將第二部分句型條都給學生當老師讀到NO15. The queen was not happy.  拍兩下手學生需找出下一句NO16. The queen had an idea. 並大聲唸出來(也可要求學生寫下句子喔)

     最簡單、原始、有趣、生動又受歡迎的方式Rloe play 和樂而不為ㄋ?

  11. “Please come in.
  You can stay in the castle tonight,” said the prince.
  12. The prince was happy.
 13. “Mother, I think she’s a princess.
         She’s cold and tired.
  14. Can she stay here tonight?” asked the prince.
  15. The queen was not happy.
 16.  The queen had an idea.
 17.  She went to the bedroom.
  18. She put a small, hard pea on the bed.
 19. Then she put ten soft mattresses on the top of the pea.
 20.  The night, the girl turned and turned in bed.
Part three
  21.  She could not sleep.
 22.  In the morning, the queen said to the girl.
 “You look tired.”
 23. “I couldn’t sleep last night.” replied the girl.
 24. “ There was something hard in my bed.”
 25. The queen smiled………………

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