This is the photo which was taken at an elementary school in Zew Zealand.

   One of my friend PharmaYes 
 has written a wonderful article which I totally agree with his opinion. 
I've found out  the education in New Zealand is different from Taiwan as well. 
Not only in America but also in New Zealand people will encourge their child to try and to do everything. 
They  include both teachers and parents who always used positive language to their child. 
Even though the rules of class, such as smile always, 
walk in the classroom, 
put your hands up if you have something TO SHARE, 
sit sensibly on the mat and at your desk so you DO NOT HURT YOURSELF OR OTHERS, 
listen carefully, 
and treat others KINDLY. 
    In Taiwan, we always ask our kids to do something as our wishes.  
"Do THIS"  and "DON'T DO THAT"  is often heard in the classroom.  
Everything is limited in the classroom so that the development of students in Taiwan is a little bit of ~S~L~O~W.


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