My Tooth Is Loose.  
 (What’s wrong?) 他的牙齒快掉了 (My Tooth is Loose!) 
(I don’t want …),看完了這本書你將學會這三個句型用法,

1. string, fudge,tooth, teeth(用白色紙黏土捏)

2. an apple (道具用紙片裝上牙齒)



Warm up: 
My tooth is loose, I don't know what to do.
在白板上畫上大蛀牙,Ouch! I have a toothache.
I need to brush my teeth. 
Can you help me with reading one magic sentence
"My tooth is loose.i don't know waht to do?"
If you read it very well, we could clean up the dirty teeth.

Later on, I will tell you a wonderful story about a lillte boy Georgie.
Can you be Georgie. Yes.
When I ask you" What wrong, Georgie?"
Can you answer

" My Tooth is Loose. 
I don't know what to do"

Here is the story:
There is a little boy, Georgie.
Ha!Ha! That's you, right.
But you are not playing. You just sit there.
 " What's wrong?"
"My tooth is loose, I don't know what to do?"
"When my tooth was loose,"
"my daddy took it out with a string.

Do you want to try??
" No, I don't want a string."
"Bite into an apple, and your tooth will come out."
"I don't want an apple."

"Let the dentist pull it out."
"I don't want the dentist to pull it!"

" Twist it until it comes out."
" I won't twist it, It might bleed!"

" My grandma gave me fudge
I bit the fudge and swallowed my tooth."
" I don't want to swallow a tooth.
It might grow inside me!"

"No string!"
"No apple!'
"no dentist!"
" No twisting!"
"And no fudge!"

" You don't have to do anything, 
  your tooth will come out all by itself."

After story:

What do you do if you have a loose tooth?
Take it out with a string?
Bite into an apple?
Let the dentist pull it out?
Or just wait??

Do you know you may have a toothache.
If you don't brush your teeth?
Now we will sing a song for you about brushing teeth.

Song: (Row ,row row your boat)
Brush brush, brush your teeth.
Brush every day.
Keep your teeth clean and white.
Brush every day.

Now, let's look at our teeth.
Do you know if you have one, we say a "tooth"
But if there are many, we say "teeth"

We have three kinds of teeth.
One kind is for chewing.
Chewing just as in chewing gum. 
We call them 

One kind is for biting.
like when you want to bite into an apple, or bread.
We call them

And one kind is for tearing things.
Like meat or other tough things
We call them

Molars are big and flat

Canines are long and sharp

And incisors are wide and thin

Now we will share an interesting song with you.
This is the way we brush our teeth.
Let's brush left~~ right~~ up~~down

Song: This is the way we brush our teeth



It has many canines.
It needs them to tear the meat and skin~~

Elephants are grass eaters.
They use flat teeth to chew~~

What do you want to eat??

Do you want some vegetables?

Remember to brush your teeth after every meal~~

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