Phonics VS. Vocabulary Teaching
鄭 俊 芬屏東縣仁愛國小
I. Phonics Teaching
在實施Phonics教學的過程中,自然並非只是將一個「讀音(或拼音)」拋給學生後,就可以交差了事了,其介入的教學步驟,仍應按部就班地照一定的階段進行,逐一發展大量而重覆的練習,可說是一項極艱鉅而繁雜的教學任務。但若以現今實際分配的授課時數來看,似乎並不允許教師們安步當車地進行教學,在有限的時間內卻又要兼具充分而適當的練習,似乎是項“mission impossible”,這高難度的挑戰,就要靠教師們的巧妙應用了,但我想至少我們都應該將發音教學視為一項長期的抗戰。
自然發音的教學過程,不外乎是由最初的26字母開始,探索每個字母的基本拼音(如:a for [ ];b for [b];c for [k]……),爾後再進入「長母音」、「複合子音」、「混合字音」、「雙母音」、「r母音」…..等的教學歷程。不管是歷經哪一個教學歷程,我個人認為都必須至少歷經「三個階段」的步驟,給予學生充分而完整的練習,該「三階段」簡述如下:
Stage 1. -Ss are able to sound each phonic rule;
Stage 2. -Ss are able to blend or decode a C+V combination they heard;
Stage 3. -Ss are able to read or make a word on their own。
Sample Activities (Level : a~z basic phonic rules)
1) [ Activity for Stage 1 ]
Phonics a ~ z Continuous Play
How to play: a) Have No. 1 pupil stands up and says: a-a-a [ ] [ ] [ ].
b) No. 1 sits down. No. 2 pupil then stands up and says: b-b-b
[b] [b] [b]. Next one with c-c-c [k] [k] [k].
c) Finish until all through with a~z.
Strategy: Students are able to establish every basic a~z phonic rule.
2) [ Activity for Stage 2 ]
Bomb the Word
How to play: a) Set up “bombing sounds” by drawing a few letters out.
b) Teacher reads a word.
c) Ask pupils to identify the beginning sound of each word.
d) If the word happens to be the “bombing word”(those begin with
the bombing sound), then one of the pupils must quickly grab the toy hammer and hit the pupil from the other team on his head.
e) Pupils should not say anything when a “bombing word” appears.
Strategy: Students must first be familiar with all basic phonic rules, in order to
split a CV combination and identify its beginning sound.
3) [ Activity for Stage 3 ]
Grouping a Word
How to play: a) Hand alphabet cards out to pupils, 2~3 cards each.
b) Teacher reads a word.
c) Pupils with sounds of the word must come out and form the
Strategy: Students are finally able to read a word on their own and recognize each sound of the word. It means that they are also ready for spelling.
II. Vocabulary Teaching using Phonics Strategy
Sample Activities
Activity 1. My Grandma Went to the Market ( Level : basic )
How to play: a) Prepare a~z vocabulary cards.
b) Randomly pick 10 cards, hand one card to each pupil.
c) Ask all pupils to stand in line.
d) Ask first one (who is holding a c-for-cake card) to say: My
grandma went to the market and bought a CAKE.
e) Next one with a j-for-jump rope card should say: My grandma
went to the market and bought a CAKE and a JUMP ROPE.
f) Next pupils will keep adding the items until all cards are through.
g) For those who are unable to keep up with all the items will drop
out of the game.
Strategy: Students are actually saying the vocabularies which were picked up
from phonics teaching. Also buy using the MEMORY strategy,
students are able to repeat vocabularies time after time. Eventually,
they’ll memorize all these words.
Activity 2. Phonics Word Continuous Play ( Level : intermediate )
How to play: a) Teacher starts with a CVC word.
b) Next pupil will pick up the last C sound and use it as the
beginning of a new word.
c) For example, pig-gas-sick-kite-tub-bed………….
d) Words cannot be repeated.
e) Writing the words down on the board is suggested.
Strategy: When students picked up the ending sound, they would also have to relate it to a meaningful vocabulary. It can also be a stimulation of memorizing more and more vocabularies.
Activity 3. Hang Man ( Level : intermediate/advanced )
How to play: a) Prepare different sets of vocabulary cards, i.e. days of week,
animals, occupations, parts of body……
b) Hang two heads on the blackboard.
c) Teacher reads a vocabulary.
d) Pupils take turns and guess one letter at a time.
e) For those who miss a letter will draw a part of body onto the
hanging head.
f) Play until the whole body is completed.
Strategy: Students are now able to apply phonics strategies in spelling a new vocabulary.
- Sep 08 Fri 2006 16:09