- Sep 24 Sun 2006 16:59
英特朗門市Teaching Kitchen將於10/14隆重登場
- Sep 24 Sun 2006 15:57
The Qualities of Young Children
Classroom Basics That Every Teacher of Young Children Should Know
Teaching young children can be a rewarding experience for EFL teachers, once we understand the special qualities that young learner possess. Instead of looking at these qualities as " challenges" for teachers, they can be powerful tools for language development. Most importantly, a basic understanding of the needs of our young learners can assure that their experiences in the EFL classroom are building blocks not only for second language fluency, but also personal growth and development. Let's look at each quality carefully, considering practical ways to focus these qualities in the classroom:
1. Young children learn best in a safe, happy environment.
- Sep 23 Sat 2006 16:37
用Phonics、童謠與故事讀本的魔棒 點亮孩子的英語閱讀世界
Power Reading 小東西•大閱讀~教材發表會
用Phonics、童謠與故事讀本的魔棒 點亮孩子的英語閱讀世界
全心英語讀寫教材,透過歌謠魅力、拼讀能量、故事主題,讓每個孩子成為有魔力的Power Reader!
- Sep 21 Thu 2006 22:01
Happy Teacher's Day
(一) Happy Teacher's Day
- Sep 10 Sun 2006 09:37
Poker Game
Different ways to adapt the poker game
In the first game
- Sep 09 Sat 2006 11:07
喜歡自己 作者︰帕爾摩
前言 ─偽裝讓人失去真我,而討好別人,最終並不能贏得人們衷心的喜愛。沒有人能知道自己是不是真的受人歡迎,可是每一個人都可以捫心自問:你是不是喜歡自己?
- Sep 07 Thu 2006 15:18
Text for STEP UP By Lisa
As an English teacher in a children's English school, one often encounters one of the following problems with course beeks: Either the material is not challenging enough or too complex for the students.
In the first case, we find the same amount of new vocabulary and a particular grammar pattern set out in a monotonous manner - unit for unit. In this way the students and the teacher might have an easy time memorizing or presenting the target language. Can the students, however, really experience the fact that learning a language means more than empty words and phrases?
- Sep 04 Mon 2006 19:31