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  範例        美語九月份成績登記表  

Enjoyetg英特朗 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

     在結束Step Up 6時最後一課剛好是故事閱讀,於是將故事分成三部分, 將全部句子分成一句一句待進一步閱讀時可做活動用,且完成此單元時還可要求學生們依自己的意思,將句型條製作成六到八格的漫畫海報

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Classroom Basics That Every Teacher of Young Children Should Know
Teaching young children can be a rewarding experience for EFL teachers, once we understand the special qualities that young learner possess. Instead of looking at these qualities as " challenges" for teachers, they can be powerful tools for language development.  Most importantly, a basic understanding of the needs of our young learners can assure that their experiences in the EFL classroom are building blocks not only for second language fluency, but also personal growth and development. Let's look at each quality carefully, considering practical ways to focus these qualities in the classroom:
1. Young children learn best in a safe, happy environment.

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  Different ways to adapt the poker game

In the first game 

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As an English teacher in a children's English school, one often encounters one of the following problems with course beeks: Either the material is not challenging enough or too complex for the students.
In the first case, we find the same amount of new vocabulary and a particular grammar pattern set out in a monotonous manner - unit for unit. In this way the students and the teacher might have an easy time memorizing or presenting the target language. Can the students, however, really experience the fact that learning a language means more than empty words and phrases?

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By Jasmine
8月,使得人心也浮動了起來&,真想找個地方讓自己清涼一下; 但我們的教學熱忱可不能冷卻了; 最近利用時間參加了幾場的研習師訓,思考反芻後,將其理論應用到課堂活動中,學生們的學習意願頓時提高了不少!!


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Time for class: 習慣於課前先播暖身音樂的我,將音樂停住,並將海報或遊戲先準備好後;伸出雙手Ten, nine, eight,..zero見孩子們都已在中師的引導下坐於地板上,全班的注意力也立刻集中在老師身上

用不同chant進入Warm up

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  Welcome home, Sweeties:
I would tell you a story about
the beach. There is a wonder beach in Taiwan.

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* Process 

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◎ 更換任何教材對老師而言都是一種挑戰
◎ 我們都是安於習慣的動物
◎ 記取以往教學經驗步驟〈如單字→句型→文法〉套用於Step Up

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   # 芝麻開門

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本字彙表之制定係參考多種字彙來源,包括民國八十三年教育部發布之「國民中學課程標準」參考字彙表、韓國小學課程綱要參考字彙、上海九年制課程綱要詞彙表、日本初中英語教材常用字彙、數種國內外兒童英語教材常用字彙,以及民國八十四、九十、九十一年大學入學考試中心公佈之高中英文參考詞彙表中之最常用詞彙,和 Collins COBUILD 最新字典所制定之最常用英文字彙表(該字典是根據The Bank of English語料庫編制的),綜合彙整,輸進電腦,建立一詞庫及字頻表後,並參考美國、英國、南非、及日本等國最常用英文字彙,最後再依我國中小學階段學生之生活經驗,及其學習英語之目標,與外語學習環境等因素加以篩選調整完成。
A─49 a (an), a few, a little, a lot, able, about, above, afraid, after, afternoon, again, age, ago, agree, air, airplane (plane), airport, all, almost, along, already, also, always, a.m., America, American, and, angry, animal, another, answer, any, anyone (anybody), anything, apartment, appear, apple, April, arm, around, arrive, art, as, ask, at, August, aunt, autumn (fall), away
B─79 baby, back, bad, bag, bakery, ball, banana, band, bank, baseball, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, be (am, are, is, was, were, been), beach, bear, beautiful, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, before, begin, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, beside, between, bicycle (bike), big, bird, birthday, bite, black, blackboard, blind, block, blow, blue, boat, body, book, bookstore, bored, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, bread, break, breakfast, bridge, bright, bring, brother, brown, brush, build, burn, bus, business, businessman, busy, but, butter, buy, by

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